Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Introduction : Personal Goals and Objectives in Distance Education

My interest in Distance Education is for its ability to potentially remove the barriers that exist in education. Often times individualized education is thrown to the wayside as result of cost, and the under-served often lose out. Distance Education has the potential to address both the individualization issue, and the cost issue.  Distance Education has the benefits of individuality, allowing the flexibility to operate within any framework (temporally, spatially and or socially) . In DE there is a physical and temporal separation between the Instructor and learners. Technology plays a key role DE, as there must be consistent, high volume two-way interaction and communication between parties that are physically and temporally separate. Additionally DE is a component of a standing university, or other educational or private institution. Distance Education has the potential to be a great equalizer of societies by providing access and support to a diverse array of students.  
     Distance education is unique in both its potential to revolutionize the construct of education and the ability for all parties involved to build the infrastructure and pedagogy during its nascence.    

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