Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Constructivism, Online Communities of Learning an Introduction

Prior to the module I had an assumption that Constructivism involved the building on prior knowledge & that online communities of learning (OCL) were simply regular courses that had a web based interface. 

My biggest question is the how we gauge the efficacy of OCL's and  the what role that OCL's could play in the  long term. Additionally how one would structure these communities for maximum efficacy with regards to interactions. 

Constructivism points to the uniqueness of each individual with regards to their learning. The "construct" through which each of us learn is formed through the sum of our experiences .  In one of the readings "Constructivist theory posits that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing the world, and reflecting on those experiences." Harasim, Linda (2012). Learning Theory and Online Technology (p. 60). Taylor and Francis.   

Constructivism points to the importance of individualization, whether in structuring coursework, or understanding interactions. This poses a challenge (Especially in a DE setting) as each individual is going to pull away her/his own interpretation from content/interactions. 


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