Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Learning Theories an Introduction

I had a vague idea of learning theories from many moons ago, however It did not enter into my mind that this is a key aspect of teaching in an online DE.

One of the key aspects in the introduction to learning theories was  Anderson stating that "there is no one learning theory"  that is t in essence the panacea. (In TPOL reading)

Harasim Introduces Learning Theory by defining theory first as " A theory is an explanation for why something occurs or how it occurs. Typically theory is generated by a question or by our curiosity, and offers a response to that question. A theory is an explanation that has been scientifically developed by scientists and scholars using state-of-the-art research methods and information of the day" Harasim, Linda (2012). Learning Theory and Online Technology (p. 4). Taylor and Francis.

Harasim points that by understanding learning theory then  "educators can reflect on their practice, improve upon, reshape and refine their work and contribute to advancing the discipline." (Harasim 2012). Thus the importance of understanding the various ways that influence learning can assist in the efficacy of teaching and learning. This made me think of the recent push towards meta-cognition in conventional pedagogy, that we must analyze how the learner( and the educator) thinks.

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